Now, I’ve long been curious about women singing ‘men’s’ songs. I mean, Stevie Nicks singing Stevie Nick’s songs and Pat Benatar singing Pat Benatar songs is one thing, but Stevie Nicks singing Guns ‘n’ Roses? Pat Benatar singing AC/DC?
So me n R kid n John (from Phoenix) met up at The Hindley Arms at about 8.15pm last night as 5th Element were setting up. I (finally) got to meet Ann and the boys (well, I’d met Richard ‘Innuendo’ already)……..
[Reviewer went to see Gypsy, another great female fronted rock band, at another pub in Hindley for their first half, then came back to see the second half of 5th Element’s show]
….Caught the last 2 mins of 5th Elements last song, got a beer (Lightfoot, mmmmmmm)….then it was full on rock.
Now, do you remember me wondering about Pat Benatar singing AC/DC? How about ‘Thunderstruck’?
Well, Ann certainly can! With Neil, Dave, Richard and Neil pumping out the tunes, she took a very appreciative Hindley Arms audience on a journey that stopped off at pure rock, a litle bit of blues and all the way to the indie of ‘All the Small Things’.
This is a band more than comfortable with each other and the instruments they play. I don’t think I can pick anything here – well, okay, the sound was maybe a little bit ‘flat’ at times, but then. we were at the back of the pub and I was a little bit ‘pissed’!
Over an hours worth of pure entertainment, and an end that I won’t spoil for you if you haven’t seen this band yet…….
I have been trying to see 5th Element for over a year now, and I wasn’t disappointed – well worth the wait!
Had a good chat with the band over chicken and chips after the show and they are just such nice guys (and a gal!)
Another top evening in Hindley and here’s to many more to come….!!!
Love to all – especially Gypsy and 5th Element