Hello, you lovely people. How are you doing?
We know. It’s still a bit weird out there, isn’t it?
We know we haven’t been in touch for a while. Mainly because there’s not a lot to say about the current situation that you haven’t heard, seen or read from a hundred other people already. Coronavirus fatigue is a real thing, and we didn’t want to add to it. You’ve got enough going on.
And, of course, there hasn’t been much news from us anyway (although we are working on the final edits of our latest music video, so watch this space!).
But we did want to say something today, the day that (with certain restrictions) pubs in the UK are allowed to start re-opening.
It’s good news for the restarting of our economy. And it’s great news for many of our landlord and landlady friends who have been struggling to make ends meet since the start of the pandemic. Local businesses are important, and we absolutely need to support them.
But we need to be careful. The virus is still with us. People are still dying from it. There have been spikes in certain parts of the country and there will most likely be a second wave.
So, if you’re going to the pub tonight, just be sensible. Follow the guidance that’s there to help protect you and those around you.
The others you’ll probably have read elsewhere already:
• Don’t drink at the bar.
• Use contactless payment.
• Give your name and contact details to the landlord/landlady. The pub will keep your details in a temporary record for 21 days. This is so those who visit the pub can be contacted if there’s a local outbreak of coronavirus.
• Follow the one way systems you may see in place.
• Don’t shout. This one sounds weird, but the virus can be spread through the air, and raising your voice increases the risk of you gobbing on people and spreading ‘orrible germs.
• If you’re inside, stick to groups of 6, made up of a maximum of 2 households.
• If you’re outside in the beer garden, the 6 person limit still applies, but can be made up of friends from more than 2 households.
• Your local pub may have other specific rules in place to help them manage the situation. Please follow them.
And finally, PLEASE don’t get annoyed with bar staff as they enforce these rules. They’ve been through a really rubbish time. They’re doing their best to get their businesses back on track and make sure you can have a nice quiet pint in a safe environment.
Of course, not all pubs will be opening today. So if your local is still closed, please don’t give them grief for it. They’ve taken the decision not to open because they’ve reviewed their situation and decided they can’t open in a way that keeps you, their punters, safe.
The more sensible we are, the sooner we can kick this virus’s arse. And the sooner we do that, the sooner we can get live music back in the pubs and clubs we love.
And the sooner we get to play for you lovely lot again!
Look after each other and stay safe.
Loads of love,
Ann, Neil, Alan, Aaron and Pete xx
Jon waltets
Missing you guys, stay safe and we will rock another day jx