Well, not quite. But people are already using the ‘C’ word with disgusting abandon (‘Christmas’, you grubby lot), so it won’t be long now before folks start making their New Year’s Eve plans.
Not got any yet? Well, how about popping along to see your favourite band?
And, if that falls through, you could always come and see 5th Element play the Bath in Morecambe! (See what we did there?)
Seriously, though, if you don’t have any plans or haven’t even thought about it yet, we’d really encourage you to go to your local pub or music venue and support the top bands who’ll be sacrificing the festive fizz in favour of rocking your collective socks off. You’ll have a fantastic night, and at a fraction of the price of a ‘traditional’ New Year’s Eve night out clubbing.
Things are tough for live music venues all year round. New Year’s Eve is no different. But you have the power! Choose a live rock night somewhere near you, grab your air guitar and a load of mates and have yourself a damn fine time.
Just like all these lovely people in the photo here did!
We’ll see you there! \m/