An ‘Elemental’ review of 2018
We know, we know. The new year’s only just begun and you’re already fed up of reading blogs and Facebook posts from every Tom, Dick and Harry about what 2018 meant to them. But, if you’ve got room for one more, here are our vital statistics from the year just gone.
- 37 gigs.
- Several weeks of national radio airplay on Wyatt Wendels’ The New Rock Show on Planet Rock Radio – a first for us that thrilled us to bits.
- Our 20th anniversary as a band.
- 1 new originals EP, Stranger on the Street (containing 4 new tracks).
- 1 new music video.
- 1 new-look website.
- 1 newsletter – another first for us! (Sign up at the bottom of this page if you haven’t already)
- And last, but absolutely not least, an amazing fan base who blow us away with their support at every gig.
There are bands who are bigger than us. There are bands who are just plain better than us. But we work hard, we love what we do and we love you guys and girls for making it possible. Thank you.
We want to wish you all every happiness and success for 2019. We think it’s going to be an absolute stormer \m/
Loads of love from Ann, Neil, Alan, Aaron and Pete xx
nick hodgson
“Don’t know where, don’t know when but I know we’ll meet again.!……….”
Cheers to you all ,always a pleasure ????
It’s true there r bands bigger than u there r bands not as good as u but wat is amazing about ur band is the people that r in it u all make feel wanted u always go out of ur way to talk to us and loads of love and camaraderie u don’t get that with many bands ur unique keep on rocking never give up if u do will will as well xxx
Craig Hay
Cheers for all the good music you give us